Castech Srl "About Us"
Castech is a company specialized in the production of machines for electric connection on motors, transformers, coils and other electric or electronic devices, and is a converter of flexible insulating materials.
Castech was born in 1998 from the production departments of the company Cast srl and following the logic of consistent technological innovation was progressively transformed growing and evolving during the years.
Since the year of foundation of the company, when the production was concentrated mostly on electric flexible insulating materials processing, and during all following years, continuous progress and updates have led to new machines’ development and improving of the existing ones.
Specifically, as far as thermo crimping process is concerned, there are today two models produced: Thermo crimping machine ESS6 and Thermo crimping machine A60, while there are several versions of thermo connecting equipment, both half automatic and automatic.
To complete the range, different solutions to insulate the connection are also available.
Besides this, the production and the choice of standard and special insulating materials, such as tubes, caps, die-cut and hot shaped parts, designed and realized on customer’s drawing, was refined.
Continuous investments both on equipment and systems, and also in Research and Development, have taken Castech to be today the leading manufacturer of machines for electric connection.
Our motto is:
"Nobody has ever been a great man in his deed without genius."
"Niuno sanza invenzione fu mai grande uomo nel mestiere suo."
Nicolò Machiavelli