TermoConnettrice GFP301000

TermoConnettrice GFP301000

The GFP301000 has been developed to connect enamelled wires and cables following the logics of a semiautomatic process combined to easiness of use, flexibility and high production capacity.
It is especially intended for use where the stators’ handling is difficult or where dimensions or weight prevent their movement.
The GFP301000 is placed on a trolley that allows its movement close to the stator and it is equipped with a special thermalconnecting head mounted on a two axes assembly.
The thermalconnecting head can easily reach the connection area thanks to excursion of about 700mm on the vertical axis and about 900mm on the horizontal axis and can rotate manually of about 225° on the vertical axis.
The up/down and left/right movement of axes are each motorized and controlled by a joystick while all the other movements are manual.
Besides, it is possible to install the thermalconnecting head in vertical or horizontal position with a lateral tilt of about +/- 15°.
The GFP301000 is designed to use, as a connection support, a tube or flag connector, blocked between the electrodes by an oil dynamic system.
Connection process consists of two operations that happen in sequence: at first current passing through the crimping tools to warm the support and then, besides current, pressure is applied to the crimping tools to vaporize the wires’ enamel and compact everything in a single body with high electrical and mechanical features.
All GFP301000 functions are controlled by a panel with display and push buttons, where all connection parameters are set up. Up to 249 different connections programs, linked into 249 cycles, can be repeated in sequential and constant way.


Voltage:400 V (±5%) 50-60Hz
Heating Temperature: ~400°C
Programs Set:249
Arms Closing System:Oleodinamic
Connections Range:Max nominal section up to 240 mm² . N.B.: Reffered to the nominal section of the standard connectors model L-48P for unipolar cable 240mm².
Temperature Working Range:+10°C ÷ +40°C
Humidity Working Range:0% ÷ 85% without condensation
Dimensions: (LxPxH) mm 950x1100x1800
Arm horizontal extensions:0 ÷ 900mm
Arm vertical extensions:0 ÷ 700mm
Max Power(duty factor): 55KVA(100%) 77,78KVA(50%)
Arms Closing Force:~1000 Kg (Cylinder Ø 25)
Heating Time:Depends on kind of connection
Cycle Set:249
ø Tooling Range : 6 ÷ 28mm

Accessories and Optionals

Chiller Model CHW 1.1 / CHW 2.6Free DownLoad
Smoke eater with or without Active Carbon filter
Lifting System Platform
Back-Up Key
Bar-Code Reader
Led Light
Software for remote desktop Machine ↔ PC
License for data storage (CSV file)
Software and license for remote assistance
Cold Air Generator (Venturi Tube)
Cylinder with different diameters: 25, 30, 40

Consumables and Spare Parts

Upper and Lower ToolsFree DownLoad
Fix and mobile Tools holder
Connectors and Flagconnectors


Machine Brochure Download
Checking Connections Form
Components Tables
Specifiction abouth the connections Trials